Hey people,
blisscodedmusic.com is almost ready for release.
It will be up and running at latest next week unless there is some unforeseen incident, and usually there are one or two of those ;-)
It would probably have been up by now if I hadn't gotten ill last week (I've had to take some time off from working). Initially I was going to wait with the release until I had an entire album to release, but later figured it would be more fun for everyone if I just released the songs as they are completed. One by one, and make them available.
You'll be able to sign up to get automatic notifications of each new release. The signup will also give you a whole track for free. (Those who are allready signed up for my newsletter via xphirience.com will be sent the free track too when it is time).
I'm also thinking about making some (blisscoded) royalty free music after that. It would be perfect for all those making videos, presentations and other things needing background music.
That's all for now!
Congrats! The blog looks excellent. I hope a LOT of people find their way here, and starts using your sound tracks. / www.chakrasync.com