All testimonials are used with written permission.
Man with 40 years of meditation practice:
"BlissCoded sound helps bring immediate silence of the mind"
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Dev Khalsa |
"Hi Marcus
I came across your golden ratio sound on Youtube just last night and I was astounded.
I have been practicing meditation regularly for almost 40 years and the greatest difficulty I have is in bringing the mind to a quiet place. It is possible but only with great patience and perseverance.
I have also experimented with many kinds of sound aids to meditation for the last 20 years. Your technology achieves this immediately. What a blessing!
Thank you.
Dev Khalsa"
I came across your golden ratio sound on Youtube just last night and I was astounded.
I have been practicing meditation regularly for almost 40 years and the greatest difficulty I have is in bringing the mind to a quiet place. It is possible but only with great patience and perseverance.
I have also experimented with many kinds of sound aids to meditation for the last 20 years. Your technology achieves this immediately. What a blessing!
Thank you.
Dev Khalsa"
Strong Kundalini awakening experience
First of all I want to thank you for putting this out the world at a reasonable price. It has helped my meditation immensely, I tried the youtube video and immediately went to purchase. That being said I wanted to make you aware of my experience with this music which was intense to say the least. At first it just served as a calming/slowing stilling of the brain type meditation cd much like the other binaural cds I have used... but much more calming and effective.
Then one night while lying down listening with headphones I felt a slithery energy running up my spine into my head. This continued to speed up until I was overpowered by this energy and rocketed into a full blown mystical experience. The next few days were a ride to say the least, I later discovered that I had had a very agressive spiritual experience that is often referred to as a Kundalini Awakening. I'm fortunate to have made it through the experience and am a hugely improved person due to it."
/David (The person asked to remain anonymous but I was allowed to use his first name.)
These are a collection of some of the comments on the Xphirience video on Youtube:
-WOW, this is AMAZING! I can feel my whole body SWIRLING!!
-The sound triggered my memories.
-WOW finally one that actually works! :D
-It was like dreaming, but while waken. In the beginning, everything I saw was black (I closed my eyes), in the ending I saw almost everything blue with some greens things dancing, and when it finished everything got blue and I could see inside my eye! I didn't want to open my eyes, but I did, and everything got normal and I felt very calm.
-Damn, when this ended I just started laughing and smiling uncontrollably, which made me laugh more. Feel lifted.
-Thank you! i felt great!
-Had an out-of-body experience; was quite intense.
-I could visualise large rotating wheels turning in my head, it felt as if my mind were being 'cleaned' in a strange mixture of mechanical/spiritual; I was really stressed and worried before I tried this, but feel much calmer now. This is impressive, considering how cynical I am!
-OMG, thx.... really helped.... AWESOME! its like everyting is new when you open ur eyes!
-Very good. I am a person who have a hard tim sleeping. but after the music, I dont remember anything, just sleep.
-I was like'' ah I'll try it anyway''. 2seconds after it started, I tried to lift my head but it was too heavy! :) that was amazing.
From: Inez
"What an amazing discovery this is!
I am a Dutch woman fighting breast cancer and Xphirience helps me so much to find inner peace.
My breathing becomes slower and my mind gets clearer.
I also have the feeling that I am more in contact with my intuition, since I listen to the tracks. It brings me closer to me and who I really am, deep inside. Excuse me my English, but I am very enthusiastic about this product.
When I am stressed or fearful I listen to the tracks and doesn't take long before I feel peaceful again.
Thanks Marcus!"
Dee Bonnar-Waldeck (Dorothy Bonnar) wrote to me on Facebook:

Quotes taken from Testimonial written by Michelle hayden, Unites States:
"Dear Mr.Knudsen,
First of all I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your quick response. Secondly, I have only been using your product for less than a week, and let me tell you, it is EVERYTHING it's advertised to be and more. Xphirience has become a life-line to me in under a week. Many times I as well as my friends order things things from the internet and it's like a crap shoot, it may be as good as advertised or it may not be. Mr. Knudsen, I just want you to know that Xpherience delivers! Thank you for sharing this with the rest of us! "
"....I was thinking I should have written you the day I got it. Shortly after I had started listening to it, I felt so amazing. I felt like a kid in a candy store because I have been looking for a sound like this for a while now. Soul satisfying and relaxing."
"... I think everyone should have a opportunity to hear this."
"My IPOD just became the most valuable piece of gear I own!"
This testimonial will be added to the testimonials section.
"Hello Marcus:
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Vita Reid Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA) |
I just listened to your video for the first time today. For only four minutes ... and something happened. My sadness instantly went away, I became very dizzy and light-headed (still am) and now I feel very very very relaxed. I feel much more relaxed and calm that I have ever felt during the few times I've ever meditated. I listened to the video again for another four minutes ... and the same thing happened ... I feel different some how, but I cannot quite describe it. My body feels very very light, and my thoughts are fewer, yet clear and distinct, with a complete loss of the depressed feeling I had earlier today. It's the light-headedness that I find so intriguing. How can sound do that? It's as though the Bliss Code lessens the number of thoughts I'm having ... it's pretty nice ...
I've been praying for an adventure ... I have a feeling that listening to your mp3 that i will soon purchase will give me the adventures and wisdom that I seek.
As I am writing this email, I feel extremely "different" although I am having difficulty describing in what way i feel different.
Thank you ... thank you ... thank you ... "
I wrote back and asked if I could get her permission to use her text and got a Yes (of course) and she added:
"I had no idea what to expect, as I had not accessed your website or the testimonials written there prior to hearing the BlissCode for the first time. So my first impressions of my experiences of listening to the BlissCode were written without any preconceived notions of what to expect beforehand. After the video ended, I stood up, felt dizzy and asked "What just happened?" I have also noticed that my concentration, energy levels and learning faculties have rapidly increased. I immediately began to study the Golden Ratio for the first time and understood it right off the bat. I also have far fewer negative thoughts. I can only begin to imagine the long-term effects of mediating on the BlissCode over long periods of time ... which is precisely my intention. My mind is about to undergo an amazing transformation. My ultimate goal is to develop my mind to facilitate my capacity for extraordinary life experiences. I thank you, Marcus, for helping me to realize this goal."
Thank you for "Existence", maybe the most beautiful music I've ever heard...
I have been listening to Xphirience for about a week now and the only downside, is that I have been annoying my friend sitting at his PC listening to it all the time! I'm going to try hard to put into words what my experience has been. Please bear with me.
- I feel very relaxed, but this isn't like the relaxation of other isochronic or binaural products I have used. This relaxation is not at the cost of reduced awareness, on the contrary I feel almost hyper aware. Have you ever had a "Lucid Dream"? What I feel with my awareness is like that. As if I have been asleep my whole life, and suddenly I have truly awoken. Other products certainly have relaxed me, but as I mentioned above, awareness is lessened.
- Xphirience seems to work VERY quickly, almost instantaneously! Any other product I have used seems to take the advertised 6 minutes to entrain the brain.
- While listening to Xphirience I feel as if blood is flowing not just to the center of my forehead but along the sides and back as well. Usually I feel this only in the center of my forehead when listening to other music/products.
- One of the effects that interests me the most, is the fact that my entire cranium, ESPECIALLY my ears feel as if they have been massaged or "worked" out somehow. I mean the small muscles in my ears literally feel exercised, I cannot describe it better than that. Have you read the work of Alfred Tomatis? Doctor Tomatis considers the ears to be the gateway to the nervous system(Alfred Tomatis). I won't quote you chapter and verse, but it may interest you as I think his work may tie into yours. In short Mr. Tomatis treated patients using certain high frequency sounds specially filtered, administered through the ear, to recharge the nervous system. What music did he use? Mozart and many other masters of classical music. Mozart in particular has long been thought to have written his music consciously or sub consciously using the golden ratio. Let me know what you think.
- My dreams, usually vivid, have taken on a whole new level of real.
- I slept for 5 hours last night and I feel as if I slept 8. That is unheard of for me.
- My nasal passages feel like freeways! Both nostrils clear. usually it's one or the other that are plugged.
- I will leave off by saying that these effect seems to be cumulative, and that repeated listening seems to increase these things each day.
That is all I have to report Marcus, but as I continue to listen I will keep you informed, unless you would rather leave things with the end of this email, which I can completely respect. Just let me know.
- Foojoy (Anonymous)
Dear Marcus,
I am 70+ years old and have only been an Xphirience user for a few short weeks. But I can truthfully say that I have benefited a great deal. I have tried to learn to meditate many times over the years but always unsuccessfully. Xphirience (bliss code) did the trick for me and proves, once again, that old dogs can learn new tricks.
Ron Messick
Lincoln City, Oregon
Hi Marcus,
I just wanted to say you have an awesome product! Im fairly new to meditation. Before starting I studied all the steps. I believe that cosmic healing is the first step. I have in kabbalahistic terms blockages which are visible in my face... stress I guess. There is visible healing going on in just 2 days. Awesome! I have gone further in the 2 days with your product then I have gotten in the 2 months I've been practicing meditation!
Hi Markus,
sorry for my English but I'm Italian now living in Brazil. so lot of languages in my mind!!! :-)
I'm writing you first of all to say that your products I don't know what kind of experience it was, but it was an experience and this means that your products works. I've bought your complete series and started listening from my pc without headphones so not with perfect settings, but after 4-5 minutes of listening Balance Plus when reaching the high chakras I've started having all my muscles
of the face ,of my scalp, of my ears and of my nose having involuntary contractions as some one was grabbing and pulling from back. Maybe I had the same experience when I received my second level of Reiki (but I don't practice it since 8 years , and to be sincere I didn't practiced much, but once your channel are activated they remain active..) I was a little confused , so I've also recorded some videos of my face , now maybe this was due to an energy block and this energy remaining in my head.....I don't know, and from the videos it seems also like I was suffering, but I was having a different experience and didn't felt it as a suffering experience, on the contrary I wanted more. Now I'll listen again tomorrow and I'm very curious about what will happen tomorrow. Sure tomorrow I'll go to buy some headphones....and I'll keep you informed!! Thanks and keep producing your sounds, they really works
Giuseppe Annunziata
Very powerful report
Comment from Marcus Knudsen: I edited this report a bit to hide certain "powerful" words ;-) Apart from that it's kept completely original.
HOLY S***, I just put the original track... I have not read any of the word documents, so I did not have any expectations, other than, this track might have an effect. I would appreciate your feedback, but out of nowhere this is what I felt and thought. The first thing that came to mind after a few seconds was death, how things would be when not alive. After that an unreal feeling that external reality is fake and matter does not exist, as I stare my front wooden door, the idea there is nothing out there came to mind. A feeling, there is no point writing this e-mail, I do not exist, neither you, and cause and effect does not matter, so what is the purpose of typing this? This more of a feeling, but my conscious mind is getting "slower", thoughts kind of automatically fade away.
The above is not the usual way I would describe things, and having no expectations, this track it SURELY has an effect on the brain. You said it does not have the usual entrainment technology we are used to, so you certainly have something there.
I do not know what will happen when I listen tomorrow, but for now, F*** this is heavy duty stuff, compared to every other entrainment track I have used.
Somehow I have the greatest response to sound stimulation (holosync, DTZM, LifeFlow, Brain Evolution System, Quantum Mind Power and many, many others) from any other person I have found online, comparing the effects I had with all these and Xphierence, I would probably give a great testimonial of the cumulative effects of Xphirience over time.
This is weird, I usually do not over-hype things, or respond to placebo, so I am interested to know if you had so strong responses from other people.
Best regards,
Petros Tsaboukas
I just want to say that Xphirience is the most amazing mp3 I have ever
heard. I have tried tons of brainwave cds and hemisync and nothing has taken
me deeper into the darkness of my mind than the bliss coded products. I also
like the Balanceplus mp3. I can actually a pressure on my chakras rising up each time the tone rings, and when its over I feel relaxed and energized.
This is some good stuff man. Keep up the good work. You may have stumbled on a big discovery.
-Shawn E from New Jersey - USA.
After listening to your xphirience sounds for a little while now, I can say I have experienced most
of the things mentioned on your website (and something tells me it goes deeper).
I have experienced deep relaxation and a meditative state, loss of awareness of time, a comforting warmth, positive energy, increased intuition, blissful feelings, falling asleep like a baby, and a general sense of balance and well being.
I have also felt myself starting to leave my body, eg laying with my arms folded and feeling myself
expanding out of my folded arms. Another example is feeling energy rushing round and round until it gets quicker and quicker until it starts expanding out my body. I'm yet to experience a full out of body experience but I'm positive I will in time.
I just want to thank you for all the positive feelings and sense of bliss that I have felt thanks to your product!
Many thanks and kind regards!
-Peter Hostler
Hi Marcus,
In this fast pace and stressful life we're living in at the moment, we all need sometime during the day just to relax and let go of all the accumulated negative thoughts, tension, and stress. Your work has definetly help me do that.
I particularly enjoyed "Xphirience Balance Plus", it certainly did it's magic every time I listen to it :)
....anyways, please keep doing what you are doing, I'll definetly try your future product.
-Ahmad Jamous
How Xphirience improved sleep and well-being
Comment from Marcus Knudsen: A little background here: comment was actually written on my youtube channel, so I took it from there. Nihal had told me earlier that he was going to try to sleep with this sound playing all night, because he wanted to see if it would help with his sleeping problems. This is the report.
It took a bit to fall asleep (i'm always burdened with thoughts of past/future etc)
But I slept very well and body felt very very different, almost like a cloud like feeling...then I slept very heavily and woke up very groggy.
Throughout the day was fine. plenty of energy, and it was if a lot of clearing occurred. My breath and oxygen intake is much better (I have respiratory issues) and brain is much much more alert but calm.
-Nihal, Australia
Esther C,
Hey Marcus, just wanted to let u know that I tried it many more times and I really love it now. Actually my husband also LOVES it very much! he cant go one day without it and would listen to it all day if he could haha! the best thing is it helps us fall asleep very quickly and deeply and its just overall amazing stuff.
Hi Marcus!
"With your products I have had some experiences where I lose all thoughts and get a feeling of weightlessness. It's a great feeling. I love that you don't have to try so hard to achieve this.
The feelings I get when listening to the blissful rain track are great: I'm semi conscious -as if I'm in a dream state- but aware of my surroundings at the same time. I often experience "mini dreams" in which I'm totally awake and aware. I'm not sure if that is meditating because its something I've never mastered maybe until now."
Also, I don't know if you want to add this to your web or not, some people may not see this as a positive but I enjoyed the experience.
I had one experience I want to tell you about, it was amazing, I went to Hong Kong about a month ago, it was a 9 hour flight and I'm scared of flying, anyway I was seated in between 2 of my friends and was listened to blissful rain while In a semi sleep mode. Then this dream thing I had felt so real: A big spider ran across the tray tables in front of us, I'm also scared of spiders and just jumped in my sleep hitting both my mates and freaking them out. I woke up and the tray tables were not down and obviously there was no spider, it felt so real even after I opened my eyes. I think maybe my fear of flying also triggered of my other biggest fear so maybe that's why it happened, it in no way put me off listening to the tracks, it just made me realize how powerful this is on the mind, it was pretty cool.
Please keep me updated with any other tracks you bring out.
Anthony Federico
Comment from Marcus Knudsen: The remark about the spider incident might look "negative" but if you are a meditator, or know someone meditating a lot, you might also know that when your fears apear like this in a meditative state, it is a sign that you are healing from that fear. So in fact this is a very good thing and shows how powerful these products work.
Aga, UK.
Regarding the effect:Today I listened Xphirience Balance Plus followed by Xphirience for the 3rd time and wow it was much better than before! I think I needed time to get used to new sounds etc which are not very natural for me (especially for meditation)... Today I stopped listening it as particular sounds... and it was IT! Really amazing... :-)
Thank you for a fantastic experience and I wish you all the best in the future!
Later she also wrote:
By the way, today I listened 'Blissful rain' for the first time and it is also very powerful...
Thanks again
Barbara Rabito, Australia.
Hi Marcus,
Just to let you know that I have been listening to Xpirience Balance twice a day for 4 days now and it is simply out of this world, so beautiful and so easy to go to a wonderful level of lightness. I can't wait to listen to it each morning and evening and every time I am more blown away. I will write in a couple of weeks to let you know progress and long term effects that are happening as a result of this divine meditation.
Thank you for your brilliance in creating these amazing sounds.
Corey Brooks, Australia:
Wow Marcus, I just had a listen, that is really something special. kind of reminds me of but more intense. and I'm like totally buzzy, especially in the head now. incredible
....anyway keep up the awesome work man.
Out of body experiences from Algis Diyokas, Israel.
Hello Marcus.
First of all, thank you for this product. it really works, and it helped me to experience my first "out of body Journey" that was incredible... :) .....
I was excited about your site and information on it, one evening, but didn't want to buy the product... I went to sleep and at 3.00 am I woke up with real drive to buy bliss code right now, at night! :) I downloaded it, listened to both tracks, but was too excited to relax, or to feel something special.. :) After half an hour i fell asleep and woke up in a dream, being concious. There, I flew to my house, and appeared above my body. I flew close to it, to see how the body looked like, when i am outside the was the end I lay down into my body, united with it and woke up in this world :) So happy, to experience it... I had 3 or 4 out of body experiences that night... and one time a week after, while sleeping in the forest also and listened to bliss code before sleep.
So Xphirience affected me after the listening. It brought me to the specific state of mind, where it is easier to meditate and to experience interesting things. I would say it brake or weaken the defences of the body and of the brain, so the spirit could experience other realities and dimensions.
....thank you for sharing your good work...Keep it up!!!
Algis Diyokas
How Xphirience helped a whole family - From Stephen McKinnon, Gothenburg, Sweden:
Hi Marcus
I have been using xphirience for a few months now, at least twice a day and I felt compelled to write to you and express my thanks.
Its actually really hard to put into words what its been doing for me, my girlfriend and even our 2 daughters aged 5 and 7. I have never felt more centered and calm than this in my whole life. I am prone to stress but have noticed this weird....I dunno, its like I cant get to the stress part anymore. I kind of float through days, but with a very concise and definite purpose, I barely look at clocks, but yet am never in a rush or late for anything. I feel that I can think clearly and with more depth than ever before also, my levels of concentration have soared since I began using xphirience. There is so much more to the effects xphirience has had on me, but I cant fully explain them in human words yet!
My wife uses it at bedtime every night and I see a huge difference in her as a person. She is definitely more relaxed and cheerful, and although we have been together for 10 happy years, I feel that we are in much better harmony than before.
My kids use it too. The 7 year old is a very poor sleeper, or at least she is very reluctant to just relax and go to sleep, her mind seems to race a lot at bedtime, but with xphirience playing at a low volume through headphones, I can guarantee she is sound asleep within minutes, she wakes up happy and refreshed in the morning and never wakes in the night.
I am originally from Glasgow, but we moved to Gothenburg about 18 months ago (my wife is a Swede like yourself), so it has been a turbulent time for us and I can honestly say that, for whatever reason it is, that Xphirience has massively helped us, I can only say *tack så mycket to you for that!
/Stephen McKinnon
* "tack så mycket" means thank you very much in Swedish.
Linda Powers, Parker, United states:
Hi Marcus,
I basically entered a deep meditative state in just a few minutes. Normally it would take about 30 minutes to get there and I'm on the verge of falling asleep when I do. I think this is great because I'm able to direct my thoughts instead of slipping in and out of consciousness. I look foward to the more enlightening experiences as I continue to use this.
Thanks again,
Patricia Winston- Evolved Ideas Inc
Hi Marcus,
I used XPlus first then X last night around 9pm. I loved the xperience!!
I'm a 30 year meditator and I felt the chakra activity with XPlus and when I put the X on - went immediately to my familiar groove in meditation. I've achieved the light within effect on my own but experienced it again with the MP3. Also, had an interesting sleep last night - my sleep was lighter while
dreaming at the same time - I was aware of resting while seeming to be awake and also dreaming - it was unique - I can't say I've experienced it before. I did sleep in tho. So, conditioning is definitely happening and I'm interested to see where it takes me. Today I will use it early in the day to see the difference time of day makes. I'm looking forward to continuing the xperiment:)
Prentice (email)
...having a enjoyable time with this. Things are changing. I'm able to sleep in a deep,awareness,sleep.I'm being connected with the Universe each time I listen. From my heart to yours, Thank you!!!
Leilah D
This is truly an experience I will not forget. I felt so tranquil and so at one with my creator. The serenity that swept over me is something that I want to hold on to and never let go.
Thank you for sharing this with the world...
Leilah D
John, Bedminster, United States
Dear Marcus,
I have used Self-Hypnosis CDs over the last couple of years and Holosync for the last several months. Last night, I purchased the Xphirience and Xphirience Balance Plus. Wow…what a major difference in taking me down into a meditative state. There’s no comparison.
...Please keep up the terrific work!!
Thank you,
subject: amazing
I just purchased this, at first I didn't think that it was possible and it was all a bit of a scam, (it has refunds so I went with it) it is just awesome, so weird and hard to describe, I didn't feel as if I was nowhere, breath less. I could feel the energy inside me just spiraling from one side to the other.
thanks a lot
I really didn't know what to expect upon listening to Xphirience. I was however pleasantly surprised with the experience. At first I thought a lot about the pleasant sounds and wondered what was going to happen. I kept watching my breath and thoughts until suddenly, there was just the realization that my whole body was vibrating. In addition, I sensed the vastness of something accompanied with a bright light. I don't know what to make of this nor do I care to. I enjoyed the experience to keep it simple. Thanks for your product and I look forward to you sharing new thoughts and experience.
Side note by me: Roy added later that it took only about 6 minutes before his mind quieted down and he merged with Xphirience. This is typical for Xphirience (fast effect).
I experienced a spiraling seemed to turn both ways and be both expanding, centrifugal and uplifting and also centripetal, inward and grounding. It seemed to modulate based upon intelligence in my energy fields not in the sound itself. Very integrating...could feel various imbalances being resolved in the chakra system. At one point the throat chakra became tight and a lot of heat in the body..immediately became aware of an old throat-base chakra block. Lot's of energy released by it. Very physical for me at this moment. Heat. Seems to be very much effecting the etheric physical bodies for me..again not sure if that is directed or the response of my energy fields. I would guess a bit of both. That's it for now.
I was sitting with my headphones on, meditating and listening. Awesome!! I experienced some kind of deja vu, just like I've heard it before...and it felt like my brain was being scanned or cleaned with a vacuum cleaner while the sound constantly was moving between my right and left brain hemisphere into different brain-areas.
I did that test, but not the whole one. I had two minutes left. I felt slightly dizzy and also a slight loss of balance. My perception of perspective changed too, like I often feel when relaxing. It feels like my head is very small and I'm observing from above. My body felt extremely large.
At first... nothing special, besides really enjoying the sound. Soothing sound. Afterwards the body felt light/airy.
Therese (my own notes)
Felt heavy-headed and a bit dizzy. Got very relaxed/sleepy very fast. The sound was very enjoyable.
Tim (email)
I experienced the audio session as having an relaxing effect, like the deeksha, but without feeling pressure inside the head. The tones influence the vibrations of the body.
The sound was extremely soothing and all feeling of time disappeared. Timeless state.
Fredrik, (Noted down by me)
He immediately felt that something happened inside his head and caused a headspin. After that the feeling moved down to the location of the heart. Before the test he was in an irritated mood. The irritation went away during the test.
"Fredrik's friend" (Noted down by me): Felt immediately that something happened in the stomach and then in the heart-area. She felt that the contact with the divine opened up.
Copy of MSN-conversation
Ulla says (20:40): Felt like the brain halves got united in spiraling lines and shapes.
Ulla says (20:40): The sound took form.
Ulla says (20:41): The space expanded
Ulla says (20:41): Sounded like noise, but only for a short while, then time disappeared.
Ulla says (20:43): The feeling of my body disappeared
Ulla says (20:43): No time existed
Ulla says (20:43): Like getting deeksha but in another way
Ulla says (20:43): Hard to put in words
Ulla says (20:43): entered a meditative state very quickly
Ulla says (20:44): I'm all dizzy
Ulla says (20:45): It's like I want to laugh, but I only do so on the inside.
Ulla says (20:50): I never felt the deeksha as physical as this.
Ulla says (20:51): It's like the energy was form the whole time
Ulla says (20:51): I felt how the sound went from side to side and then transformed into physical spirals.
My own after-notes:
Her husband also tried it and at first he felt like it was just noise and felt irritation, but then it transformed into a pleasant feeling and he experienced enjoyable sounds coming from his first and seventh chakra.
"Aurora" (Anonymous):
I got very relaxed very fast, even to the point where I found myself thinking that maybe I need to take a breath soon. My breathing became very light, just like when you just have fallen asleep. And I TRIED to breathe deep and regularly, but to try that while listening to this...*laughter*, it was almost impossible. But when I dropped the thought that I had to breathe, it all felt sooooo good. I've probably yawned like 10 times now afterwards. I had a feeling of centeredness. And the sound was moving from right to the left like I was being rocked and I was feeling very taken care of.
There is something magical about the sound. I don't know how to describe it. Like music from another world or something. I have begun having a lot of UFO related dreams because