– A complete walkthrough
I receive many questions and requests to explain different things about who I am, how BlissCoded stuff works and how it came to be. The answers are always limited of course because the whole story is a pretty long one. Now I have the chance to finally feed the hungry once and for all.
This is for all you people with many questions on your mind.
Read this and hopefully you will have a complete picture of everything.
About me and my story

Yes, “I think”. I’m really bad at when things happened, dates, weekdays and years. Doesn’t matter much to me.
I had a happy childhood and there is nothing really out of the ordinary worth mentioning there so I’ll skip that part.
I’ve been a so called “spiritual seeker” since I was about 15. The seeking lead me to the country that most really “hardcore” seekers end up sooner or later: India. But the thing is that I didn’t want to go really. I live very simple and don’t really enjoy crowded places with a lot of people, noise and commotion.
India is the mekka of commotion! Like I said, I actually didn’t want to go, but I knew of this place called Golden City. Home of the Oneness University.
Now... I don’t care if you think this sounds insane:
One morning my brain started planning to go there. It was as if there was nothing “I” could do about it.
Before I knew it, the plane tickets was booked and payed for. So I figured now I kind of had to go.
Man that trip and all the experiences where so intense.
It’s the only really long trip I’ve made (I went there twice) so it’s the only thing I can talk about when people talk about traveling.
For that reason I’m tired of hearing myself talking about it ;-)
To put it short: The experiences in golden city was life changing in ways that are hard to explain. Like being reborn.
This same year (2006) was when I discovered/Invented the BlissCode sound technology.
A couple of years after that I got problems with panic anxiety attacks. Basically because I wasn’t doing what I wanted to do in life. This forced me to go through several things that was very hard at the time, including one night saying goodbye to the world because I "knew" I was going to die.
It was during a major anxiety attack in a time when I was more or less burnt out.
I didn’t die ofcourse, but this was a turning point in my life. A wake up call.
All the fear that was let go after accepting my own death made me look in to “who am I?”. Because it seemed something was different after that experience. The feeling of who "I" was began melting away. The seeking started to fade away slowly. I had been looking for awakening, but the I seemed like an illusion. Marcus is just the person. A collection of thoughts, ideas and personality. Everything allready IS allready when you are born.
De-mystifying what I do
The "problem" with talking about this kind of thing is that you get so many questions from people about everything related to spirituality, meditation and big life questions that I don't have the answer to. I'm happy if you feel that you have found someone who has something interesting to share, but I don't want to be put on a pedestal because of the discovery I made. I don't have answers. I rather talk with people than to people. I had a good idea that one time and that is what I’m working with now together with music. That's all really. I love coming up with and exchanging ideas!
Some times people seem to think my home is like a lab of a scientist with all sorts of technological widgets and that I sit there writing mathematical formulas. Like something out of a sci-fi movie. That would be cool :-)
I am not one of those charismatic intellectuals who blind people with their personality. We get kicks out of being told things that makes us go “WOW”. I’m not interested in talking about how impressive my work is. I actually just want to be that guy in the background.
I am ONLY interested in helping people become silent within, to be calm, to see and go within - Some people call it meditation, call it what you want. Experiencing nothingess beyond mind, time and space. Seeing that there is just the experience and no one who experiences.
"An ounce of experience is worth more than all the libraries in the world."
The whole story
-What started the whole thing for me - The Idea is born
In 2006 I was very much in to the information given out by this guy named Dan Winter.
He talked about and showed how the golden ratio (Phi) mathematics was involved in.. well... pretty much everything really, but the thing that cought my interest was the parts about how all things that came out of nature seemed to be designed to be able to use the “life force” as a crucial part of its existence. This “life force” seem to be “sucked in” through a sort of a spiral or implosion effect.
If you study how things in nature grow , finds its way, and aligns itself, you will se that – mathematically – the golden ratio (1.618) is found literally everywhere. Everything from galaxies down to the tiniest microscopic level is in some way or another tied to this golden ratio. If you don’t believe it, meassure the distance between the joints of your fingers, or arms, legs etc. The length ratio between each joint will be 1.618. Simply put it is what makes life possible.
Whenever artificial constructs like square/rectangular buildings etc is used it is actually possible to meassure how biological life doesn’t get the same lifeforce anymore. Plants doesn’t grow as good anymore and ofcourse we as human beings are part of this biological life so we are affected too.
Now... everything is light and sound. Everything vibrates. Atoms move around so fast that even though 99.9 percent of a molecule is vacuum, when put together with other molecules it appears very solid indeed. The movement (vibration) manifest to what we perceive as reality. Look at the rotor blades of a helicopter. When in full speed it looks like just one “thing” and when it starts slowing down and stop you can see the blades.
Sound is vibration. Sound is the easiest way to create vibrations and since everything including our body and brain consist of atoms and molecules in vibration, we should be able to affect it.
So this was the kind of stuff that was going through my mind at that time: Could I trigger the natural effect of "implosion" - the creation of a drawing-in of life-force - in the human organism/energy field using sound?
I’m not going to educate about what brainwaves is here. There is more than enough information on this online.
I’m just going to go in to the fact that when the brainwave activity has its peaks at brainwave frequencies with a golden ratio, the person is experiencing a blissful state. This brainwave pattern has been found in people who are believed to be in an “awakened” state, like certain bhudist monks etc.
Dan Winter also shows in his research that this is true. He, Anna Wise and the Monroe Institute have all discovered this independantly from eachother, in their own research.
Can you train your brain to produce these golden ratio brainwaves? Oh yes. Is that What BlissCoded sound is? No.
The Aha-moment
So one day, while visiting some forum, seemingly consisting of a whole bunch of intellectuals –one more intelligent than the other- I found a thread about the golden ratio and its relation to vortex spirals (implosion – the “sucking in” of life force energy). They all had very interesting things to say, but it was complex. Nice formulas (that I couldn’t really understand) and speculations about what would happen if you did this and that with audio. But I thought that none of them was really able to put it together to something that could be actually used in real life. For many people the intellectual discusions are enough to satisfy the feeling of having acomplished something. But as we all know the left (logical) and right (creative) brain hemisphere when working together can come up with first the idea and then materialise it.
Well these guys where my left brain hemisphere pretty much and I thought “Well why don’t they take all that fancy speculation and turn it in to something”.
So I started thinking of ways to do this stuff to sound. I even thought about playing sound through a golden ratio spiral and recording it with a microphone inside or on the other side to get the golden ratio properties somehow affecting the sound (did you ever put your ear to a big seashel?). That turned out to be just not doable due to a number of things.
Here comes what was the birth of BlissCoded sound: I though “Maybe I can do it digitally instead”.
“WOW what is happening?”
I remember sitting in my sofa with a laptop with my headphones on, trying different things with sound. I did something to yet another sound and played it back.
Suddenly I felt like there was sort of a blissful energy going through my body. I literally felt high. I recognised this “high” because it felt much the same way as the effects of meditation. I am also initiated to giving Deeksha, or “oneness deeksha” which is a sort of healing or divine energy transfer (not trasfered from me. I’m the tool through which this energy, light or whatever you want to call it comes through) and it felt sort of like that.
After that I couldn’t (didn’t want to) move for quite some time.
“You seem to have something here”
I was still sceptical. Could have been placebo. So this is what I did:
I went to a swedish forum (that doesn’t exist anymore) and posted the audio sample I had done. I simply asked people to listen and then write to me about it.
I said nothing about my own expereince, what it was for, sounded like, or anything like that.
Well, they also experienced different variations of the “high” I did. It seemed to really do something. I continued giving out the sound to as many people I could.
The results was still the same: Experiences of being a bit “high”, relaxed, trance-like states, no thought and no mind/time states, emotional healing etc.
As always there are always some who doesn’t notice anything. The question is if there is some sort of an effect anyway. I think so.
Some of these people asked if they could purchase a CD with this sound from me, so yea... I made them CD's :-)
The Birth of Xphirience.com
After a while I felt I couldn’t keep sending CD’s like this and decided I would make a simple website so people could purchase a download instead.
By time people started asking things about this sound and had different requests etc so then I decided to make it in to a “real” website.
This was my first real website so it took me months to do, but in the end I felt proud because I did it all myself. The only thing I didn’t do myself was the system that was used for the purchase and delivery of download links. I still had to incorporate it to the website though and that took some time too. Since then the website has changes in design dramatically and I also opened up www.blisscodedsound.com which is the same website but on another URL.
The descision of keeping the process to myself
Of course I was aproached by various people and website owners selling meditation audio about how to create BlissCoded sound. After a visit to the websites of these people it was soon clear that I couldn’t give out how to do it. You see, I try to be as honest as I can. This BlissCode stuff has no real scientific proof. All I am therefore allowed to say is that it really seems to work and that I am completely sure that it works. When writing this text I’ve had literally thousands of people writing feedback about the effects, both by email and on youtube. On youtube Right now the first demo video I put up there has over 600.000 views alone.
Anyways, we all know what happens when some things end up in the wrong hands.
Would you want to see hundreds of “Bliss Coded sound” websites popping up all over the internet? Wouldn't you get confused?
What would they claim about:
-The effects?
-What it came from?
-How it works?
-Who Invented it?
-What it can be used for?
I have a responcibility. I don’t want to see this turned in to some new age stuff, drowning in all the other airy fairy things out there.
To use a sentence I wrote on Xphirience.com: Bliss Coded sound is what I do and I am really serious about developing it and keeping it away from any exploitation.
We have it all backwards
An interesting thing is that people think that when some "product" on the internet that is supposed to make you feel good costs money it is automatically either a scam, or it is "wrong to sell", while we gladly pay for unhealthy food and drinks, alcohol, cigarettes etc. Somehow that junk is FINE to sell and buy, but not things that can make us actually feel good. People who really complain loudly at "evil" corporations get called "crazy", "maniacs", "confused" etc. The people who ridicule those selling things for well-being are considered to be rational and having both feet on the ground. So we laugh at the good guys and continue giving the bad guys our money. Well we get what we pay for, as long as money is needed to survice on this planet. It's completely upside-down!
When you think about it, isn't that amazing?
The "good" people have historically been more ridiculed than the "bad" people. We crucify men and women of peace and make their evil counterparts kings, queens and presidents to rule over us and then complain about it when it is too late.
However, I think this is all about to change!
I keep it alive, authentic, original and I stand by my choice.
That is all!
Now you don't have any questions. Right? ;-)