In the dream I looked at the sky because it looked like there where two moons, only one of them looked bigger and closer. I soon noticed the second one was moving towards earth. Soon it passed by us really close and it felt pretty much like an earthquake, but somehow I got the impression that although things literally became very shaky, I was not in real danger.
In the clip they show EXACTLY what the "two moons" looked like in my dream. I mean.. it was really exactly like that, besides from what was on the ground because I saw it from a different location.
The image to the right is taken from the clip I saw from "The event".
I wrote this on the Facebook fan page of David Wilcock the same day and one of my facebook friends responded and gave me a link to a youtube video clip. The clip showed a guy showing how a comet named Elenin would pass by earth really close. The date would be about Oct 30th this year. I did not know this beforehand.
Today someone responded to the message I wrote on David Wilcock's facebook page that he had THE SAME dream. I've heard that when more than one person has the same dream it is looked at as a prophetic dream. I don't know, but how often do people dream the same dream? It has only happened to me once before and that dream was also about "shaky times" on earth and in that one I was also OK.
Here is the video clip from "The event". (look at 2:14 to about 2:40)
Now, I'm not saying that this is definitely going to happen but there are so many things saying the same thing and I have to wonder why that is because one thing I AM certain about is that it is not a "coincidence".
I keep in mind that:
- I had never heard about and certainly not seen "the event" before I had the dream.
- The way the "two moons" are aligned and their size etc is pretty much EXACTLY like it was in the dream.
- AFTER the dream I found information that indeed a comet WILL pass by, really close.
- Another person had THE SAME dream.
- Why is NASA not talking about this? This is a big event that we should be informed about. (note: INFORMED about.. not fear!)
Here is the video showing the comet Elenin and how it will pass us really close:
I was no more than 19 when I was working on a novel and had problems how to finish it. I put the question to the universe: I asked for an answer in the evening wishing to dream about it. The question was exactly: How will it end? Then I had a long sequence of dreams of cosmic events (incl. The double moon image). Later I understood it wasn't my novel's end, it was how it ends on Earth. Lately I read other people dreaming the same. There is one question though: is it the future or the past we dreamt about?