Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Religions in disguise?

"When the promises from the self-proclaimed guru’s fail to come true, when the clock turns to midnight at the 31st of December 2011 and nothing happens, when the spaceships don't land to save the planet, when that all turns out to be just another religion for “non-religious” spiritual people and they discover that no one else can change the world for them and no external force will save us. THAT is when we will take our power back and start to GROW UP!”

I feel this is quite true. Too many give all their power away to different beliefs. People wait for someone to come and rescue them. They talk bad about religions while they themselves are in something that is more or less the same thing but under a different name. Many times I think people who put all their faith and love in one person (guru) is missing love within his or her own family and is seeking external fulfillment for something that can only be fulfilled by seeing something that we do not want to see or deal with that is much closer than all the external things we try to substitute this lack of security and love with.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Cool technology! Holotope mandala meditation

Check this out. I found it very interesting!

I'm thinking that I may try this because I've been looking to introduce some audiovisual meditation products.
Please let me know If you have tried it and what your experience was.

(I am not affiliated and this link is posted on my own initiative.)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

How often to use Xphirience

I get this question a lot
...and the reason it is not that clearly specified is this: If I say use it once a week people will ask "Can I use it more?" and if I say use it every day people will say "Can I use it less?". In both cases I would say Yes!
The correct answer is: Use it whenever you feel like it.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Exploding volcano

I had a dream that a volcano exploded. Not the normal eruption we see all the time, but more or less exploded. magma and stone flying in big chunks all over the place. Now I just read on Kerry Cassidy's blog that someone named John Moore informs that a volcano on the Canary islands is about to erupt in seven to ten days.

Who knows. Time will tell. She quotes the information given by John Moore sent to her via "a source" saying also that:

"Geologists agree that if the Cumbre Vieja volcano erupts, its resultinglandslide will surely generate a tsunami that will kill many millions
of people along the East Coast of the Americas, from Canada, down
over the United States, the Caribbean Islands, and down through
Central and South America"

SOURCE: http://projectcamelotproductions.com/blog-hp.html

I just thought it was an interesting coincidence especially since the dream was very strong and still feels quite vivid in my memory although it was several days ago now, before I heard of the volcano on the Canary islands. This is not meant as a prediction.